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Avengers fanfiction team hurts peter

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Avengers fanfiction team hurts peter. Superfamily, established Stony. The pain was blinding. Thankfully, the older man was engrossed in a project, oblivious to Peter's distress. . Peter still felt Tony holding his hand so he squeezed it to let Tony know it was okay. Clint couldn't help it he jumped slightly. "Trust Me" "Trust Me" Series Peter" Tony said so lowly that it was almost a whisper, as his phone slipped from his hands onto the floor. This is what Tony had been afraid of, this was why he'd been so angry. He'd wanted to protect the kid from the Avengers, this tiny being was too good for them, and the Avengers were going to corrupt him. " Flash gaped as he watched Peter practically run over to their table, slipping into the empty seat between Ned and MJ. No. Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker (98) Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (72) Hurt Peter Parker (49) BAMF Peter Parker (40) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Cross-Posted on FanFiction. The teen followed Tony inside where he waved a hi to other avengers "What's up kid? Heard you had a little trouble" asked Bruce and Peter nodded "Yeah. Dude, he's here in our school. He'd told the kid he was done. This mattered to Peter because he was no longer under threat of being registered and having his identity revealed, even without Mr. ah. Peter hugged the man before pushing him behind him. Simple. Collection of one shots of hurt Peter Parker, with Tony Stark and occasionally other avengers. When Natasha finds him, she confronts him about his reckless behavior and the importance of not going it alone. Tony Stark- 'Peter, talk to me. "Tony what's happen-" Steve began getting up and reaching out to the billionaire. He could sneak into Avengers Tower without being caught he just had to keep calm and not make any noise. ' Tony quickly flew them off the roof and landed them on the sidewalk. Over the years, this has also made him gain a connection with the entire team, especially with the Black Widow, AKA Natasha Romanoff. Morgan was there too. AKA - The Avengers find out about Peter's babysitter. Tonight they were going to prove him wrong. He was really tired; he didn't want to go to sleep just yet because he didn't want to leave his dad awake on his own. I am just geek who is crazy about fanfiction, so I decided to write one. Steve lightly touched his shoulder, and Peter flinched and pulled it away. Peter slid the gauntlet onto his hand. I hope you all like it. Steve saw pain, betrayal, heartbreak and sadness in the eyes he loved so much. Hence, the period at the end of his sentence. He felt somebody run their hands Exactly how long can Tony keep Peter a secret from the rest of the team that just decided to move back in? And what about the secret everyone but Tony knows? Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Captain America/Steve R. Tony's face pinched, and Peter almost felt bad for asking the question. "T-Tony?" Peter said weakly Peter wasn't sure what was going on as an elderly man dressed as a Priest while Doctor Strange was there. Peter didn't hear her response or the outcome of her scan, the AI probably feeding the information directly into Tony's ear. But warmth. He let go, forcing his fingers to release before clenching his hand into a fist and clenching his jaw so tightly that he thought his teeth might break. Net; Avengers Team & Peter Parker; but their Asgardian was not only hurt physically, but mentally as well, maybe even stronger. Peter wanted to stay awake with his dad and maybe watch a movie until he had calmed down, but he was just too tired. Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker (480) Steve Rogers & Tony Stark (369) Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov (358) Avengers Team Members & Tony Stark (343) James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers (285) Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov (261) Include Additional Tags Avengers Family (5759) Domestic Avengers (1862) Fluff (1410) Tony Stark Has A Heart (1063) Oct 1, 2017 · Peter watched his hand move towards the power switch again, and let out a whimper. Peter quickly stands, his legs feeling weak as he tries to get to the edge of the building. So, the Accords were scrapped and the entire Avengers team, or what was left of them at least, were welcomed back with open arms. Leave me, please" Peter pulled away and curled up on his bed, his back to Steve. But no, he thought all wrong. " Peter steadied his breath, comforted by the fact that Mr Stark was much more open to hearing what he wanted to say. Just hang in there. What started out as a normal (or what normal could be to a group of enhanced individuals) day at the compound suddenly becomes a lot darker when the Avengers find out a secret of Peter Parker's past. "Hell no. " Peter growled at Steve and his team. Inhabilitating. " Morgan ignored him, eating cheerios out of a plastic bag. Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (1149) Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker (1031) Michelle Jones/Peter Parker (940) Peter Parker & Pepper Potts (696) Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (664) Peter Parker & Steve Rogers (598) Michelle Jones & Peter Parker (507) Include Additional Tags Hurt Peter Parker (9211) Peter Parker Needs a Hug (6703) Peter attempts to smile and brush off the sentiment, but his shoulder hurts too much and he suspects it turns out looking more like a grimace. If the Avengers being out to get him wasn't enough there's also the small issue of a team of new enhanced bad guys on the scene. "Mr. The Avengers didn't know about Peter. "You know I can't To-" "Steve please! Peter could die today!" I said, tears falling freely down my face. So Peter replied to Stark by just sighing defeatedly and shrugging. The Avengers confusion turned into uneasiness as they saw the look of horror on Tony's face. You broke apart the Avengers. Jul 10, 2019 · Peter Parker, the kid who never stopped talking, the kid who practically worshipped Iron Man and the rest of the Avengers, the kid who wished that Happy would put in the effort to talk to him, felt empty. Honestly, the ones towards the end are better because my writing style changed a LOT so if you're gonna start, start from there! Jan 10, 2020 · Peter's fists clench under the workbench and his jaw tightens. He picked up the piece of glass, and hesitantly pressed it against the skin on his left arm. Said genius sighed deeply before focusing his eyes back on the boy. He nudged Peter hard on his ribs and Peter scowled, rubbing his sides tenderly. (Not Team Cap Friendly) - also posted under the same handle at archiveofourown - Between the Avengers Team officially going public, Gohan balancing his time with his Family, Superhero Duties, and Schoolwork, Goten becoming a Super Saiyan, (at age 4 and a half!) and Tony beginning a romantic relationship with his childhood hero & now close friend Steve Rogers, the Stark family's lives have become far more complicated than An unofficial sub devoted to AO3. Tony gets back from Titan, and somehow, they all become a team again. Green mist swirled around them and took Loki and Peter away from the rest's eyes. Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (1150) Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker (1031) Michelle Jones/Peter Parker (940) Peter Parker & Pepper Potts (696) Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (664) Peter Parker & Steve Rogers (596) Michelle Jones & Peter Parker (506) Include Additional Tags Hurt Peter Parker (9203) Peter Parker Needs a Hug (6694) When the Rogue Avengers flee, they leave behind a broken Tony. But he was ready to storm out of the tower and find Peter if it was the last thing he did. 'Watch your language. How will Steve ever forgive himself? Bruce saves Peter. Peter growled darkly. Chapter 1: The New Beginning. Was he hurt? Tony had sworn to himself- and to May- that he would keep Peter safe. Will he save Tony in time? After a fight with a crazy scientist goes wrong, Peter ends up in Gotham, is appalled by the state of escape rates of the rouges, gets the batfamily stalking him in and out of costume, all while dealing with the insane trauma that comes with everyone you care about dying. "Hey, Pete. " Tony was taken aback from Peter's willingness to give back the suit. Oh my god. Stepping on the glass made him forget the pain. "Tony?" Peter made his way to the car after a goodbye to Ned. Protective Michelle Jones (Marvel) Good Friend Ned Leeds. I'm saying that you don't get a choice in this," Tony counters as he stands, frustration shifting into anger. They'd had to fix injuries, issue press releases, join forces with the army and first responders and police and whatever grief-driven volunteers they could find, clean up the worst messes that had followed the end of the world. Peter's vision went white with pain, as his awareness began to dim, his body wanting nothing more than to pass out. " Giving Peter a little pat on the knee, the billionaire said in a much softer tone, "Alright, Pete. "It really hurts. Severely injured after a patrol, Peter Parker sneaks into Avengers Tower to tend to his wounds. His parents sold him off to them. "Whatever. Time's all yours. From the age of two, Peter has always been in the clutches of Hydra. Spider-Man AKA Peter Parker usually follows his own path, but that hasn't stopped him from teaming up with The Avengers a few times. Anything he wants to say is choked out by the wave of pain that rises when Natasha starts gently prodding his rib cage. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 1,559 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 171 - Follows: 63 - Published: 8/5/2020 - Status: Complete - id: 13664140 May 5, 2018 · I know you don't either. Thanos growled as he ran towards Peter and the rest of the onlooking Avengers. " Peter nods but isn't sure what he's agreeing to; he needs to find his aunt but first, he needs to breathe! Hurt Peter Parker (871) Parent Tony Stark (828) Hurt/Comfort (704) Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker (3335) Peter Parker & Tony Stark (2699) Peter whispered; it seems like he's right next to Clint's ear. Peter had been saying something along the lines of a goodbye, and now he's talking about a god damn talking centipede. " Peter says befpre kicking the man in the chest, sending him rolling backwards. This wasn't possible. The med team will be here soon and we'll get you back to the compound. "Hi, Morgan. Still Peter found it within himself to look up at his mentor who was helplessly and desperately flying towards him. After Peter is hurt, Tony insists on an upgrade. They get up to no good and Peter ends up getting hurt. ' Jun 23, 2020 · Peter barely withholds a wince, not needing to look at the contact, but knowing who it is anyway. , OC Peter sat in the corner of the lab, scratching away at his calculus, trying to hide from Tony's scrutinizing glare. "Really?" Tony took his hand out of Peter's and held out his pinky, bringing back a memory Peter had forgot about from Peter tried to have a conversation in his own cheerful manner but his mentor choosed to give him a silent treatment. Spiderman got the attention. Peter closed his eyes and rested his head against his dad's arm. Of course, Friday would play a big role to with the whole don't fire repalsors, keep the window open, and of course don't alert the team of a break-in or worse, his dad. " Peter looked back and forth between the man's eyes, not being able to believe it after being stuck in space for three weeks. Honestly, the ones towards the end are better because my writing style changed a LOT so if you're gonna start, start from there! Apr 22, 2020 · "Oh, alright. Fluff and Angst. He had caused this. Aug 7, 2019 · In that moment, an idea sparked in Peter's head. Mr. He followed Steve to a mat in the center of the room and unzipped his hoodie top reveal his suit underneath. Are you hurt?' Peter Parker- 'It matters not what you've done but what u do with what you've done for others' Peter Parker- 'Like that centipede said' What the fuck. Stark. Nat would personally kill Flash, and Peter didn't want that to happen. " Peter give a high-pitched giggle that sounded a little maniacal and twisted. Steve was silent. You have killed more people in 48 hours than Loki did during the battle of Manhattan. He keeps talking, but Peter stops listening. So Peter, cradling his arm to his chest, shot a web, biting down hard on his lip as he swung toward the tower. " She gestured to the table where all of the Decathlon team were already sitting. Sure his foot hurt like hell, but it was worth forgetting the emotional pain, even for a couple of minutes. "It's never hurt like this before. "Peter if you have any of those spiders crawling around, I'm going to kill them…. " "I know but it's going to be ok. Nov 6, 2023 · Peter's pov. " "Ted," Tony acknowledged and Peter thought Ned would die right there. " Peter gritted his teeth when the pain rose once more and there was a sharp intake of breath beside him before he suddenly remembered that someone was holding his hand. He gets an internship with SI, which no one apart from Ned believes, and of course, there is a trip to SI itself. Enough with the backstory. He sees light again. Peter breathed out, trying to calm his nerves. , Thor, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 3,142 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 893 - Follows: 510 Sep 29, 2019 · C'mon. I know you will. "You have no say in this Jun 28, 2019 · They – the Avengers, such as they were – hadn't had the time to ponder over people outside the compound. Peter's stomach growled; his fast metabolism had chewed through lunch by sixth period. I'll be there in two minutes, don't move. All Peter wanted to do was get by under the radar. Peter Parker had a complicated life. ' Tony walked back into his suit and slung Peter's right arm over his shoulder. " Steve shook his head. " Worry. Peter couldn't tell what it was but it was strong. Oct 9, 2019 · Peter's POV. "Are you kidding me?" Peter struggled against Loki but Loki had other plans. Pain. " He mumbled. "Tony!" His friend's cry jolted him out of his stupor and he reached out with shaking hands, two fingers pressed to Peter's throat. Pale. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Drama - Captain America/Steve R. To Steve's surprise Peter resisted, still with tears running down his face. , Iron Man/Tony S. Now Tony was flat out confused. Tony sighed. "Do what needs to be done," Strange told the Priest whose form shifted from an elderly priest to Loki and back again. Peter smiled against the growing pain in his head. I walked back to the kid, picking him up. They're out to cause mayhem and they don't care who gets in their way, plus taking down a certain annoying crime fighting bug at the same time is just a chance they aren't planning on missing. Rated M for violence. Stark!" Peter yelled as he raced towards where Captain America and Tony were standing. We are proactive and innovative in protecting and defending our work from commercial exploitation and legal challenge. Loki/Peter brother relationship. The Avengers were awfully protective, and that's why he never told them he was being bullied. Kill the Avengers. I got surrounded by reporters on the way here. He didn't want to be in pain anymore, but he also didn't want to die, and that's what would happen if he lost consciousness. Happy usually picked him up, but today Sam wanted to pick Peter up. Shocked. " replied the man. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family/Friendship - Iron Man/Tony S. Peter is hurt during a battle with the Avengers. He'd benched him! The kid had done great but then he'd been hurt and Tony couldn't live with himself if he got a fourteen-year-old boy hurt in a fight like this. "It's Ned," Peter corrected his mentor. Dec 29, 2017 · Note: I do not own any of the characters. Just as Peter opened his mouth the cloak wrapped itself around Peter and tried to tickle him. Peter thought the avengers never cared about him and were tolerating him only because of Tony. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 20 - Words: 29,141 - Reviews: 124 - Favs: 594 - Follows Summary: Peter meets Tony Stark after saving Pepper Potts. I actually came here on behalf of the team to ask you to join the Avengers. "Please, stop. Peter was a kid, and if he got hurt, if he died… Bruce tapped on screen's and read stats, muttering things to himself as he did. "It's Mr. A wrong number, a manhunt, an internship, and a year’s worth of hijinks intwine the lives of the Avengers and a certain teen from Queens. "You did this. "Okay. "Friday get me my suit, NOW!" Collection of one shots of hurt Peter Parker, with Tony Stark and occasionally other avengers. While at the same time managing to be a grammar-freak all at once. He's about the only person Peter texts who uses all-caps frequently. Not an exclamation mark, but a period and— Peter. I'd Do Anything Grateful to be back on ground level after the crowded subway, Peter made his way along the street, glancing at his phone one more time to check that he was in fact going to the right Feb 15, 2020 · "No. Because this hurt. "You are not staying here. "Peter, I highly advise against jumping off in your condition," "Jumping off? Peter, stay where you are. "Get over there before I can be mad at you again. It's because I'm the only person who dares disagree with the choices of the mighty Avengers when I think the decision is wrong. Jun 29, 2018 · "Oh my god," Ned gasped loudly ensuring that everyone's attention was now focused on the visitor. "No! Don't hurt him! Peter!" The current sparked to life, and Peter shook once more. "One hundred percent, kid. "I said-" "I know what you said. Year is MCU current 2025 Rated: T - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 96 - Words: 256,194 - Reviews: 116 - Favs: 71 - Follows: 69 - Updated: 9/29 - Published: 11/11/2022 - Captain America/Steve R. This chapter is set just a couple of weeks after the Avengers mission where the team learned about the collapsed building on Homecoming night. It had only been a few months since the Accords had been settled, and Tony wasn't ready. While having a relaxing day, Peter and Steve are messing around. "Peter, if anything happened to you – I – I don't know what I'd do. He wasn't the most well known Avenger, but he thought Peter would appreciate the gesture. 'Let's get moving. Reviews are loved but be gentle this is my first Avengers fanfiction. Pulling off his jeans and squaring himself on the mat, he willed his head to stop aching for a while. Electricity shot through his body and shook his frame. Peter's dads worry, and Peter is forced to tell them about his injuries from when he ran away. It was clear he was in pain. Will be a 10 part Jul 26, 2019 · "Good. "Hey, Happy," Peter said, getting into his seat in the car. Everything is going great until Peter's Spider Sense starts causing him actual pain. "Leave me alone. Peter Parker had been settling into the team. It hurt so bad and the only thing keeping him from calling Happy and begging him to pick him up was the fact that it was nearly midnight. Dread. Peter has grow quite found of Steve, Tony and Bruce. One Year Later, when the Rogue Avengers are pardoned and return to the US they find a new team, they find new people and they find a new Tony Stark. Now 16 years old he is given a mission. And something else. It's why he wore a mask to separate them. Peter can't handle the scolding that only makes his senses go into overdrive. I stroked his hair, hoping it would somehow ease his pain. "Shit!" Tony practically shouted. "The girl in the video, that's Maddie. Amidst the pain, Peter learns a crucial lesson about teamwork and trust. And dang, did the kid make it hard. He was right to assume that flying with Peter would hurt him more because the second he took off Peter burst into a torrent of swear words and ows. Sep 21, 2019 · He's Braver Than You Think By: amnaangel12. "Come here Peter" Steve said gently, opening up his arms. Having the help of an Asgardian who, like him, was used against his will. Feb 6, 2018 · Peter let out a scream of pain, as Hulks grip tightened on his leg, crushing it until something snapped. I want to know your side of the story. The Archive of Our Own (AO3) offers a noncommercial and nonprofit central hosting place for fanworks. It's because I'm the only one willing to stand up for the little guys," Peter said angrily. "Shit, fuck, something just touched my hand. Peter is fighting alongside Tony's team against Captain America's team. Stark's influence to protect him. Tony looked at the two running over to him with tears in his eyes making Bruce's skin turn to a faint green. " Peter laughed. Once in Tony's lab, they find an album of video clips and voicemails of a boy called Peter Parker. Sep 9, 2017 · Peter was no longer conscious or responding at all, eyes closed and pale face lax, as his limbs lay sprawled on the mattress. " Tony was straining in his chair, but it was bolted to the floor, and he wasn't strong like Peter, he couldn't break free. " Sam suddenly said as he too jumped. Kidnapped and stuck with three avengers who don't know his secret identity, Peter is their best hope of getting out Written for Marvel Week, Day 3. Focus.